The Value of Fashion 2020
What data can tell us about the fashion industry's economic value, employment levels, patterns of growth and consumption habits.
Key business statistics for the fashion industry across the UK, based on ONS figures. Campaigns we are running to support the UK fashion industry.

The VAT RES allowed the UK to be the number one European destination for global tourists looking to purchase fashion items and reclaim their tax. This was stopped when the UK left the EU and currently Paris, not London is their tax-free tourist destination of choice.
Photographers, stylists, make up artists (and so on) perform virtually identical roles and the sector also relies heavily on international talent. The UK fashion industry makes over 10 times what film does for the UK economy, but this is severely at risk if we are not operating on a level playing field.
In September, the UK government announced its decision to abolish the VAT Retail Export Scheme. VAT RES, which has enabled foreign visitors to purchase goods and claim back VAT, is scheduled to end from 1 January 2021. But the decision to withdraw the VAT Retail Export Scheme puts the retail, tourism and hospitality sectors at risk.